Rules on Resident Parking Permits

Rules for parking cards for residents of Reykjavík. No. 370/2021.

Article 1. Resident Cards.

The Reykjavík Parking Service (“Bílastæðasjóður”) issues parking cards, hereinafter referred to as Resident Cards, to residents living in Resident Card Zones within Reykjavík, in accordance with further conditions set out here. The Resident Card grants the user permission to park a vehicle free of charge, in paid parking spaces, within the Resident Card Zone, subject to the limitations specified in Article 5.

Article 2. Apartment.

Resident Cards may only be issued to residents of an apartment who meet all of the following conditions:

  • The apartment must be located within the Resident Card’s area of validity in accordance with Article 5.
  • An apartment may not be a designated as a student apartment, nursing home, or residential care facility.
  • The apartment may not have included parking privileges for a parking space on the property, neither for private use nor in commonly held, according to a local plan, land lease agreement, schematics, or outline plan.

An apartment is not considered to include usage privileges, if a confirmed joint ownership agreement stipulates that the apartment does not include the right to use the parking space. Where there is no joint ownership agreement, and the number of apartments is greater than the parking spaces within the plot, a declaration of transfer of use is sufficient, listing the apartments that have the right to use the commonly-owned parking spaces within the plot.

Only one Resident Card may be issued for each apartment that fulfills the above conditions.

Article 3. Applicant.

Resident Cards may only be issued to applicants who meet all of the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be a person with a registered domicile in an apartment that fulfills the conditions of Article 2.
  • The applicant must be the registered owner of the apartment or have written permission from the owner to apply for a resident card.
  • The applicant must be the registered owner or keeper of a vehicle in accordance with Article 4, or be able to demonstrate, in other ways, their actual usage of the vehicle, for example on the basis of a lease.
  • The applicant must not be in debt to Reykjavík Parking Service with the debt being charged by a collection agency or legal action.
Only one Resident Card may be issued to each applicant, regardless of the number of apartments owned by the applicant in question.

Article 4. Vehicle.

Resident Cards may only be issued to vehicles that meet all of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle must have a valid Icelandic registration.
  • Vehicles must be parked on streets and public car parks in accordance with provisions of the Traffic Act and the Police Convention.
More than one Resident Card may be issued for the same vehicle, provided that other conditions of these regulations are met.

Article 5. Area of validity.

Each Resident Card is valid within a defined Resident Card Zone. These areas shall be determined by the Planning and Transportation Council and advertised publicly. Resident Cards do not grant cardholders the right to free parking in P4 paid parking zones. Neither do the cards grant cardholders the right to free parking in the following streets and zones:

  • Laugavegur.
  • Skólavörðustígur between Laugavegur and Bergstaðastræti.
  • Bergstaðastræti between Laugavegur and Skólavörðustígur.
  • The car park at Bergstaðastræti 6.
  • Kvosin, i.e. Lækjargata, Kirkjutorg, Pósthússtræti, Austurstræti, Hafnarstræti, Veltusund.
  • Kirkjustræti, Aðalstræti, Tryggvagata, and Naustin.

Reykjavík Parking Service must publish an overview of the area of validity for Resident Cards on its website.

Article 6. Application for a Resident Card.

Applications for Resident Cards must be made electronically through the website of Reykjavík Parking Service. The Resident Card application must, at a minimum, disclose the following:

  • The applicant’s ID number (“kennitala”).
  • The vehicle’s registration number.
  • Property number, if the applicant is domiciled in a multi-dwelling unit.

If the applicant is not the registered owner of the apartment according to Article 2, the signed consent of the owner of the apartment must be included with the application. Reykjavík Parking Service shall make the property owner consent form available on its website.

If the applicant is not the registered owner, nor the keeper of a vehicle in accordance with Article 3, a second confirmation must be included with the application, for example a vehicle leasing contract. Reykjavík Parking Service must obtain other necessary information from the applicant and from the public registries, such as Registers Iceland, the Real Estate Registry, and the Vehicle Registry, as applicable, and in accordance with applicable laws. The applicant must be allocated a Card for the area of validity where the applicant is domiciled. If the applicant is domiciled at the boundary of two areas of validity, the applicant may choose in which area they wish for the Resident Card to apply. Reykjavík Parking Service shall publish application instructions, and key information about the Resident Card program on its website.

Article 7. Validity and use.

Resident Cards shall be issued electronically for a period of one year at a time, but never for a longer period than the authorization from the owner of the apartment or the agreement governing the use of the vehicle. A Resident Card becomes inactive if the conditions for its issuance are no longer fulfilled. The holder of the Resident Card must notify Reykjavík Parking Service if the conditions the issuance of the Resident Card are no longer fulfilled due to changed circumstances of the cardholder, such as the transfer of legal domicile, sale of a vehicle, or other similar incident.

Article 8. Fees.

For the issuance, changes, and renewal of the Resident Card, a fee must be paid in accordance with the advertised tariff. The fee shall be paid once the application has been approved. A Resident card is not activated until the payment has been received by the Reykjavík Parking Service.

Article 9. Invalidation.

Reykjavík Parking Service may invalidate a Resident Card if the cardholder is found to be misusing the card. The holder of a card that has been invalidated due to misuse is not eligible for a new card for a period of 2 years from the date of invalidation for the previously issued card. Reykjavík Parking Service can also invalidate a Resident Card if it becomes aware that the conditions for the granting of a Resident Card are no longer fulfilled, without the cardholder notifying the Service in accordance with Article 7. Reykjavík Parking Service shall notify the cardholder of the invalidation of a card according to the above.

Article 10. Entry into force and legal basis.

These rules, established by the authorization contained in the second paragraph of Article 86 of the Traffic Act No 77/2019, as amended, were adopted by the Planning and Transportation Council on March 10, 2021 and the City Council meeting on March 18, 2021 will take effect at the time of publication. At the same time, the previous Rules No 591/2015 on the Parking Cards of Reykjavík Residents are repealed.

The Mayor of Reykjavík, March 19, 2021.