Environment and transport
Travel worry-free and safely between places. In the meantime, we'll make sure your city is clean and upscale.
What do you want to explore next?
- Waste collection Let's help make it possible to keep our environment clean!
- Transportation & Traffic Here's everything you need to know about transportation.
- Environment & Nature Parks, squares and green spaces.
- Reykjavík Public Health Hygiene, Food and Pollution Control. And more.
- Animal keeping Dogs, cats, chickens and more animals.
- Reykjavík Parking Service - parking lots and parking garages Supervises and monitors the use of paid parking in Reykjavik.
- Græn skref Vistvænn rekstur allra stofnana borgarinnar.
Waste collection
Sorphirða Reykjavíkurborgar hirðir úrgang frá heimilum borgarinnar. Skylda er að vera með ílát fyrir fjóra flokka við öll heimili. Íbúar geta fjölgað eða fækkað tunnum við heimili eftir þörfum. Þegar við flokkum förum við betur með verðmæti og höfum jákvæð áhrif á umhverfið.
Transportation & Traffic
Whether you're traveling by car, bicycle, electric scooter, bus, or your own two feet, you'll find information about transportation in Reykjavik City on the subpages below.
Environment & Nature
We care about the environment. Below you can find information about various things about the environment and nature in Reykjavík.
Animal keeping
Here you can find information about the CoR's services for pets, both dogs and cats. It is allowed to keep chickens in Reykjavik. It is allowed to keep chickens in Reykjavik. Pest control is an integral part of the city's activities and is governed by specific rules on livestock keeping.
Reykjavík Public Health Authority
The Health Department conducts hygiene, food and pollution control in the city as well as supervising dog keeping.