Skóla- og velferðarþjónusta

Börn eru eins ólík og þau eru mörg. Sum börn þurfa á stuðningi að halda til að líða betur og nýta styrkleika sína sem best. Hjá Reykjavíkurborg starfar hópur fagaðila við skóla- og velferðarþjónustu sem veitir börnum og fjölskyldum þeirra markvissa ráðgjöf og stuðning í þágu farsældar barna.

What services are available?

There is a range of services available for families who need additional support. Services are tailored to the needs of each individual and can come in the form of interviews, meetings, or courses for parents and children. Examples of issues where counseling and support can be beneficial include:

  • Risk behavior
  • Concentration problems
  • Behavioral problems
  • Communication difficulties
  • Challenging home situations
  • Development, for example, speech and motor development
  • Education and school attendance
  • Mental difficulties, for example, anxiety and depression

Do I have a right to school services?

All children who attend preschool and primary school in Reykjavík are entitled to school service if they meet the following conditions:

  • The child's legal residence is in Reykjavík.
  • The child's guardians and school staff believe the child needs support to best benefit from preschool or primary school.

Spurt og svarað um skóla- og velferðarþjónustu

Hér finnur þú svör við ýmsum algengum spurningum um skóla- og velferðarþjónustu Reykjavíkurborgar.

How do I apply for school services?

You can request school service by discussing it with your child's department head in preschool or the child's homeroom teacher in primary school. You can also speak directly with someone from the school service at your child's center. You can book an interview with a counselor at a center on the City's 'My Pages'.

Where does the school service take place?

The goal is for children to receive as much of the services as possible in their local environment. This could be within the preschool or primary school, in the form of counseling and support at your center, and in some cases, in the child's home.

Do I need a diagnosis to get counseling?

No. A closer look can increase your and the school's understanding of how best to meet your child's needs. However, a formal diagnosis is not necessary for a child to receive assistance in school as the school should strive to meet the needs of all children. However, a diagnosis can be a prerequisite for specialized services, medication, and a care allowance.


Support Service

Support services are implemented according to each individual's needs. Parents are supported in the parenting role, and children are supported to increase engagement, improve communication and enhance their confidence.


Vocational education

For students in the 9th and 10th grades of primary school who, due to specific challenges other than disability, face significant learning challenges or substantial discomfort in school. This project is intended to improve the way students feel and give them the opportunity to show what they are capable of.

How can we help?

Do you need further assistance or didn't find what you were looking for? The City's Service Center can help you by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at

School services are provided on the basis of the following laws and regulations:

Answers to common questions can be found in the school service FAQ.