Education for all

In Reykjavík City primary school, the needs of every child are attended to in their studies and social work regardless of their abilities and status. Students are offered a wide range of assistance, such as for specific learning difficulties, emotional or social difficulties, and/or disabilities.

Specialized departments

Fellaskóli, Foldaskóli, Hamraskóli, Hvassaleitisskóli, Langholtsskóli, Réttarholtsskóli, and Vogaskóli have specialized departments and Hlíðaskóli has a sign language department.

Applying to a specialized department

Parents apply for schooling in these departments on a separate form. The application must be accompanied by diagnosis and reports from the student's preschool or primary school as applicable. Applications may be submitted to the Department of Education & Youth, or to the schools, before March 1 of each year. Applications can be submitted electronically to


An admission team, which includes principals and department heads, together with a representative from the Department of Education & Youth, reviews applications for school placements.

The decision on admission must be made by April 15 and all applications are answered in writing.



Who are the specialized schools for?

Specialized schools for children of primary school age who have been diagnosed by the State Diagnostic and Counseling Center, Landspítali Child & Youth Psychiatric Ward, The National Hearing and Speech Institute, or the Icelandic Vision Center.


Inquiries and suggestions

The schools’ principals can provide more information.

You can also send inquiries to or call 411 1111.