Are you a young person of foreign origin?

We're looking for you to participate in the Young Ambassadors project.

As a participant, you'll receive education on human rights, democracy, prejudice and hate speech, as well as tools to increase self-confidence, communication and leadership skills.

In November, we'll travel together to Poland on a study trip. When the project ends, you'll receive a certificate of participation.

Apply now!

Does this sound exciting? If yes, email us with your name and ID number. Also answer this question: Why do voices of young people of foreign origin matter?

Eight young people ages 13-16 will be selected to participate in the project.

Applicants must live in Reykjavík.

What's involved in participation

Dale Carnegie will provide education and training. Participants will meet and work with other kids of foreign origin living in Reykjavík.

Study visit to Poland

In November, the young people will travel to Wroclaw, Poland with two project managers from the Human Rights and Democracy Office. There they will meet other young people of foreign origin who are part of a similar group in their city.

The trip is planned for early November 2024.

How often does the group meet?

The group will meet weekly with a project manager from Reykjavík City's Human Rights and Democracy Office for 1-2 hours while the project runs, from mid-September to late November 2024.


Human Rights Policy

The Human Rights and Democracy Office implements Reykjavík City's Human Rights Policy.


The Human Rights Policy is based on human rights and the principle of equality. It covers areas like gender equality, LGBT+ issues, interculturalism, inclusion and disability.


The Office also implements the Reykjavík City's Democracy Policy. The Office employs 12 specialists with diverse education and backgrounds.

More about the project

Part of the Human Rights Policy's focus is valuing each person's contribution. Reykjavík City should also actively support increased participation of people of foreign origin in city affairs, as well as on boards, councils and committees.

Grant from the Council of Europe

Young ambassadors is a new project that received a grant from the Council of Europe, specifically from the Intercultural Cities cooperation project. The project aims to increase inclusion and participation of young people of foreign origin in social discourse.

The Young ambassadors project will give eight kids of foreign origin the opportunity to learn about human rights and democracy, gain new skills and confidence, and have a chance to express their views. In late 2024, the Human Rights and Democracy Office will compile an overview of the project's results, which will be available on the City's website.

Personal Protection Act

The City of Reykjavík emphasizes that all processing of personal information within the municipality is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Protection Act. Read more about it.

Inquiries and registrations

Email us if you have further questions or want more information before applying.

