Operating permit proposal - Sorpa at Gufunesvegur 10

Reykjavík Public Health has prepared a draft operating permit for Sorpa at Gufunesvegur 10 for permit renewal. The facility includes a waste reception station, vehicle and machine workshop, car wash and detailing station, and an oil tank for internal use. The proposal suggests the following operating conditions: Sorpa's Gufunes reception station permit conditions, general permit conditions for polluting activities set by Reykjavík's public health committee, operating conditions for vehicle and machine workshops, and operating conditions for car wash and detailing stations. The proposed validity period is 5 years. Documents related to the proposal are accessible on the Reykjavík Public Health website https://reykjavik.is/public-announcement-of-proposed-operating-permits from December 16, 2024, to January 16, . 2025. During this period, everyone is welcome to submit comments and suggestions regarding the proposal. Comments must be in writing and sent to Reykjavík Public Health at Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík, or via email to heilbrigdiseftirlit@reykjavik.is.