Nominations for the City of Reykjavík's accessibility recognition 2023 are wanted

Inga Margrétar Bjarnadóttir hlaut aðgengisviðurkenningu Reykjavíkur árið 2022. Myndin er frá afhendingu viðurkenningarinnar
Hópmynd af fólki við verðlaunaafhendingu í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur

Good accessibility in the broadest sense of the term is an important human rights issue and the basis for people with diverse accessibility needs to be able to participate in society on an equal basis.

The City of Reykjavík's accessibility recognition is intended to make accessibility issues more prominent and highlight what is being done well in this area.

The recognition is given to those individuals, groups, non-profit organizations, companies or institutions that have remarkably safeguarded good accessibility in various ways.

Who deserves to receive the city of Reykjavík's accessibility recognition, do you have an idea?

Send a nomination together with a justification to the email address 

The deadline for submitting nominations is February 14, 2024.


The following parties have received the City of Reykjavík's Accessibility Approval:

2022 Inga Björk Margrétar Bjarnadóttir for fighting for improved accessibility in the digital world.

2021 Haraldur Þorleifsson for the project Römpum upp Reykjavík.

2020 The Association of Military Opponents and Friðarhús SHA ehf. for an important initiative in accessibility issues with the installation of a wheelchair lift in Friðarhús.

2019 Áslaug Katrín Aðalsteinsdóttir and Berglind Hallgrímsdóttir for creating a manual on universal design in outdoor environments.

2018 The Blind Association for its diverse work for the benefit of the blind and visually impaired, greatly improving the group's access to society.