On the 17th of May 1990, homosexuality was removed from the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Classification of Diseases. Since the year 2004 LGBT+ rights groups from all over the world have worked towards official recognition of this day as well as bringing more visibility to the situation of LGBT+ people.
In 2019 WHO moved classifications concerning trans people out of the chapter on mental and behavioural disorders to a chapter on sexual health.
Reykjavík is part of the Rainbow Cities Network which created a joint action called Share the Flag in order to provide support in the fight against discrimination aimed at LGBT+ people. As part of this action Reykjavík City sent a rainbow flag and letter of encouragement to its sister cities Wroclaw in Poland and Vilnius in Lithuania.
Although much has changed for the better in recent years and LGBT+ have won various rights, they still experience prejudice, discrimination, micro-aggressions and minority stress. It is clear that all institutions and groups in society need to join forces and do better.
This year Reykjavík city raises the rainbow flag for IDAHOBIT, to remember that we still need to fight prejudice towards LGBT+ people, while also celebrating sexual and gender diversity. Happy IDAHOBIT day; let’s keep moving forward!
Here you can find some information about LGBT+ issues at the city of Reykjavík:
LGBT+ Students and Schools in Reykjavík
What is Queer? – brochure in English and Icelandic
Brochures on LGBT+ people and domestic violence
Reykjavík City’s Human Rights Policy