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The first in a series of exhibitions, titled Invasion at Reykjavík Art Museum – Ásmundarsafn, opens on Museum Night, Friday, 2 February at 17h00.
The first in a series of exhibitions, titled Invasion at Reykjavík Art Museum – Ásmundarsafn, opens on Museum Night, Friday, 2 February at 17h00.
Guðmundur Thoroddsen has for the last few years focused on masculinity in a comical fashion, for example by creating sculptures from ceramics and wood. His coarse shapes and use of materials offer us an interesting dialogue with the works of Ásmundur Sveinsson.
In 2018, four incursions are planned into the exhibition Art for the People in Ásmundarsafn, where the sculptor´s work is examined from the viewpoint of different periods in his career. Some of his pieces will be replaced with the work of practising artists.
Four artists have been invited to exhibit their work, creating a private dialogue with Sveinsson´s work. They are Guðmundur Thoroddsen, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir a.k.a. Shoplifter, Margrét Helga Sesseljudóttir and Matthías Rúnar Sigurðsson. They all create sculptures from diverse materials and their work gives an interesting view of the development of three-dimensional art, its materials and subjects.