Do not park by waste containers

Reykjavík Parking Service Transportation


The Environment & Planning Council approved a ban on parking vehicles partly or fully in front of underground containers or public recycling bins. Vehicles may stop to dispose of waste where conditions allow without disrupting traffic.

No special parking restriction signs

It is neither desirable nor necessary to mark specific parking bans at each public recycling bin. Instead, it is preferable to mandate a general ban on parking near deep collection and public recycling bins within the municipality. This would be similar to legal parking bans at driveways and fire hydrants.

No-parking zones are not limited to specific road sections. This aligns with point (a) of the first paragraph cf. the fourth paragraph of Article 84. The authority to impose fines for violations of such bans is found in point (d) of the first paragraph of Article 109 of the Traffic Act. Reykjavík Parking Service and police can fine those who park near containers. The ban takes effect when the approval is announced in official publications and on the City's website.

More underground public recycling bins

An underground container is a waste storage unit where the part collecting waste is underground, with a hatch on the surface for service users to dispose of waste. A public recycling bin, which can also be an underground container, is for sorted waste intended for public use.

In recent years, underground containers and centralized collection points for single-stream waste have increased significantly within Reykjavík city limits. This trend is expected to continue. It's necessary to ensure waste collection vehicles can access underground containers and public recycling bins for emptying.