Council approves building consolidated school in Laugardalur

School and recreation

Aerial view of snow-covered Laugardalur.

Reykjavík City's School & Recreation Council approved plans to develop and build a consolidated school for adolescents in Laugardalur. The school will be located in the "triangle" between the Ice Rink and the Þróttur and Ármann community center. The Council also decided to keep age groups in Laugarhverfi together as requested during public consultation.

School operations planned to begin in 2030

The consolidated school will serve 8th to 10th grade students from Langholtsskóli, Laugarnesskóli, and Laugalækjarskóli school districts. Plans include accommodating adolescents from nearby development areas: Grensásvegur, Orkureitur, and Skeifan. This will be reviewed as population grows in these areas.

The three existing primary schools in the area will serve younger students: Langholtsskóli for 1st to 7th grade, Laugarnesskóli for 1st to 4th grade, and Laugalækjarskóli for 5th to 7th grade. Grade distribution in Laugarnesskóli and Laugalækjarskóli reflects public input to keep age groups in Laugarhverfi together instead of creating two schools for 1st to 7th grade.

School village to be built

Next steps include setting up a temporary school village on the southernmost part of the KSÍ parking lot. The first phase is set to open in fall 2025. Initially, children from Laugarnesskóli will study in the school village to allow for necessary extensive renovations of school buildings.

Plans aim for the consolidated school to open in 2030. School operations will remain largely unchanged until then. Before the new school opens, staff will be consulted about the new school's operations and changes to the three existing schools.

More information is available on the page about future plans for Laugardalur.