Celebs compose this year's Children's Culture Festival song

Celebs hljómsveit

This year's Children's Culture Festival song will be written by the party guys in the band Celebs!

The band Celebs consists of siblings Valgeir Skorri, Hrafnkell Hugi and Katla Vigdís! They have all won Músíktilraunir, come from Suðureyri, are real humorists and are passionate about children's culture. We are therefore extremely grateful to have them cooperate with us.

This year's song will be about democracy on the occasion of the Icelandic Republic's birthday in 2024. Recently, 4th graders in the city were given the task of answering all kinds of questions about democracy in a broad sense. The lyrics of the song will be based on the answers of the children in the 4th grade and will be premiered by Celebs in Eldborgarsalur Harpa on April 23.