Applications open for summer staff

Reykjavík City opens applications for sports and youth organizations interested in hiring young people aged 17-25, paid by the City.
Sports and youth organizations in Reykjavík hire young people for summer jobs to work on various classes and recrational activities. Organizations apply to the Department of Culture & Sports for summer staff paid by Reykjavík City. The goal is to increase job opportunities for young people in Reykjavík and support summer activities for children.
Applications are open for organizations interested in hiring young people aged 17-25, paid by Reykjavík City. To apply, fill out an application form.
Note: Only one application per organization is allowed.
Allocation will consider:
- Summer staff projects
- Scope of the organization's activities
The application deadline is January 24, 2025.
Responses to applications will be given by February 24.
The funds for summer staff are intended for youth employment and should increase jobs for young people aged 17-25.
Hiring summer staff older than 25 (born in 2000 or later) is not allowed. Summer staff must be legal residents of Reykjavík.
Summer staff wages follow the collective wage agreement between Sameyki and Reykjavík City, as follows:
Summer staff 1: 17 years old, salary grade 214
Summer staff 2: 18 years and older, salary grade 216