Waste management workers have noticed that people tend to dispose of used face masks and tissues into the blue recycling bins, which are only meant for recyclable paper. This waste must be disposed of into the gray containers for sanitary reasons, as a measure to protect the workers of unnecessary infection of COVID-19.
It is important that people respect these instructions, and make sure to dispose of face masks and tissues with mixed household waste in sealed bags. Latex gloves and paper towels used for cleaning or disinfection also belong with the mixed waste that goes straight into the gray garbage containers.
The City of Reykjavík is doing its utmost to protect its waste management employees. The city has already issued detailed instructions on how to dispose of waste during these precarious times of the corona-virus.
Let´s continue to sort waste
There have been no changes to sorting and recycling of waste, except that special care needs to be taken of all material that could be contaminated by COVID-19 and thus infectious. That waste MUST be put in the gray container, properly disposed of. It is also very important that we continue to sort and recycle to make the most use of waste containers, as household waste has increased enormously since so many are now working or staying at home.
Residents are asked to respect these instructions for the protection of waste management employees, in order to make sure that these vital services remain intact.