Household waste has increased immensely in recent days as more people work from home. This has put extra strain on waste management within the City of Reykjavík.
Two trucks from private enterprises, one from Terra and one from Íslenska gámafélagið, have therefore been commissioned to collect mixed household waste, disposed of in the grey containers. This arrangement will be effective as of Friday, so residents can expect to see employees from these companies within their premises emptying waste bins in addition to the City’s waste management staff.
The reason for this increase in waste is twofold; great number of people are now working from their homes; and individuals and families tend to spend more time at home due to the ban of mass gatherings. It is important that people continue to sort their household waste, and dispose of any excess garbage directly to Sorpa’s recycling plants and neighbourhood recycling comtainers.
The City of Reykjavík has issued guidelines on how to keep waste management intact
Residents are asked to keep the following in mind:
- To continue sorting household waste and use waste containers wisely by diminishing the volume of disposals.
- Do not fill waste containers with other than household waste. Dispose of extra garbage directly to recycling plants.
- Do not overfill containers; they will not be emptied as a way of precaution to prevent the spread of communicable disease.
- Recyclable waste can be kept inside until taken to the recycling plant, as it is normally not smelly.