Due to COVID-19 individuals are more isolated than usual. This increases risks to victims of domestic violence.
It is important that we all work together to try and decrease this danger by being in regular contact with people we know and suspect are victims of domestic abuse.
Keep in mind that domestic abuse often begins during pregnancy. Therefore we should pay special attention to pregnant women.
We are all part of the civil defence team/Við erum öll almannavarnir.
The Women’s Shelter is open. The shelter asks that women who are on their way to stay there give them a call so they can be prepared. Phone 561 1205 224 hours a day, all days of the week.
Don‘t hesitate to phone 112 if suspicions about domestic violence arise. We are all responsible for each other.
Reykjavik Department of Welfare Service Centres
These service centres offer victims various counselling and services. For more information you may also phone the main service centre.
Tele: 4 11 11 11
Email: upplysingar@reykjavik.is
These service centres offer victims various counselling and services. For information about the centres and which one you should contact you may also phone or email the main service centre.
Bjarkarhlíð, family justice centre for adult victims of violence is open.
Address: Bjarkarhlíð on Bústaðaveg (in the clearing next to Bústaðakirkju), Reykjavík.
Tele: 553 3000
Email: bjarkarhlid@bjarkarhlid.is
Bjarmahlíð, service centre for adult victims in Akureyri is open.
Aðalstræti 14, 600 Akureyri
Tele: 551- 2520
Email: bjarmahlid@bjarmahlid.is