Dept. of Human Resources & Work Environments

The Department of Human Resources & Work Environments oversees the City of Reykjavík's human resources and supports the policies and key priorities of the City’s administration.

About the Department

The Department's is building a strong HR service to attract, support, and develop employees so they can serve residents in a manner that earns community respect and trust. Furthermore, City employees should possess the skills and competence needed to meet job responsibilities and provide the level of service expected.


The Department’s staff oversees the implementation of the Human Resource Policy, ensures consistency in execution, and provides advice to managers. Additionally, the Department handles human resources services for the central administration in City Hall and manages the creation of collective wage agreements. Furthermore, the Department places strong emphasis on continuous and positive collaboration with managers and human resources services to improve the efficiency and quality of services and lay the foundation for a good workplace culture. Finally, the Department is responsible for payroll processing and the operation of the City’s human resources and payroll systems.



The Director is Lóa Birna Birgisdóttir.

Organization chart