
The environmental and resource appeals board and the Ministry of Industry and Innovation handle cases from public health authorities and committees.

Decisions (appeals, opinions or official statements) related to Reykjavík Public Health or the Reykjavík Public Health Committee are available here.

Resolutions of the Environmental and Natural Resources Appeals Committee

Ruling number Year Case number/title Keywords
66 2023 42/2023 operating permit noise, sound measurements, invalidation denied, work permit
47 2023 102/2022 Skor invalidation, investigative rule, work permit
132 2022 94, 95 and 96/2022 Shooting range at Álfsnes land use, invalidation, work permit
103 2022 95/2022 Shooting range in Álfsnes interim decisions, suspension of legal effects, denied, work permit
69 2022 77/2022 Geirsgata dismissal, legally protected interests, work permit
116 2021 92 and 96/2021 SKOTREYN Álfsnes work permit land use, invalidation, work permit
115 2021 78/2021 SKOTREYN Álfsnes work permit dismissal, work permit
114 2021 51 and 56/2021 SR Álfsnes work permit land use, invalidation, work permit
71 2021 15/2021 22/2021 23/2021 Operating permit for Vaka land use, invalidation, planning conditions, work permit
43 2020 8/2020 animal hospital in Víðidalur Incineration, animal carcasses, disposal, dismissal, public health authority, final decision, administrative decision
20 2021 123/2020 Vaka at Héðinsgata dismissal, work permit
11 2020 40/2020 Suðurgata Dismissal, sewage, final decision
41 2020 58/2019 dog keeping Multi-owner building, dismissal, final decision
126 2019 114/2018 Skógarhlíð Sanitation, legal interpretation, invalidation denied, work permit
143 2018 104/2017 Grafarholtsvöllur Golf Course Public health authority, noise, dismissal
97 2018

68/2016 Frakkastígur

work permit, neighborhood impact, case processing
84 2018 79/2018 Miðstræti Sewer system, final decision, dismissal
63 2018 92/2017 homestay

Fee for work permit

60 2018 65/2018 Miðstræti Sewer system, final decision, dismissal
9 2018 9/2017 Veghúsastígur Rejection of detailed plan proposal, invalidation, investigation, justification of detailed plan, case processing
50 2017 163/2016 Brautarholt Kjalarnes Operating permit, poultry farm odor dispersal
28 2017 105/2015 Rauðarárstígur Noise, legally protected interests, dismissal
21 2017 107/2014 Sorpa bs. Álfsnes Operating permit, municipal plan, invalidation
2 2017 56/2015 Gamla bíó Operating permit, dismissal
141 2016 35/2015 Neshagi Building permit, land use, backup power station
131 2016 3/2015 Vatnsendakriki Assessment requirement, water extraction, invalidation
59 2016 38/2014 Hverafold Disturbance, dismissal
32 2016 106/2015 Dog keeping in the capital area Dog ownership, disposition of dog, case processing, guidance duty
166 2015 103/2013 Organic waste Operating permit conditions, waste collection, case processing
111 2015 26/2014 Unregistered vehicle Delegation of authority, enforcement measures, invalidation
107 2015

23/2015 Suðurlandsbraut

Sewage pipes, legally protected interests, dismissal
37 2015 17/2013 Lindarsel Waste fee, Assessment
63 2014 28/2013 Hólmgarður Dog ownership, Appealable decision, Dismissal
59 2014 28/2014 Melavellir Planning, equality
24 2014 93/2012 Suðurlandsbraut Dog ownership, Permit revocation, Partial dismissal
23 2014 18/2014 Suðurlandsbraut Dog ownership, Case processing, Invalidation
15 2014 18/2014 Álfabrekka Dog ownership, Interim decision, Suspension of legal effects
1 2014 81/2012 Melavellir Appealable decision, Planning, Dismissal
43 2013

40/2012 Bankastræti

Building permit, Neighborhood impact, Invalidation
33 2013

18/2013 Vatnsstígur

Dog ownership, Appealable decision, Appeal deadline, Dismissal
X 2012

Decisions on administrative appeal against Reykjavík Public Health's decision to issue a warning to the Nettó store

Warning, foodstuffs
62 2012

51/2012 Fannafold

Dog ownership, Appealable decision, Standing, Claim, Dismissal, Approval

61 2012 46/2012 Fannafold Dog ownership, Final decision, Appealable decision, Dismissal
24 1998 26/1998 Keilugrandi Changes to operations and premises