Reykjavík the bicycle city

Cycling is an economical, healthy and fun mode of transportation. A better cycling city improves the quality of life for all residents. Air quality improves, residents become healthier, and traffic congestion decreases. Cycling is the happiest mode of transportation.

Biking Plan

The goal of Reykjavík's Biking Plan 2021–2025 is to increase the share of bicycle trips in the city.


The capital area population is growing rapidly. At the same time, trips in the city are increasing significantly, with each resident taking an average of four trips per day.


Reykjavík City's Biking Plan is a guide for promoting cycling and developing cycling infrastructure.


Increased cycling is economical, benefits the environment, public health and quality of life, and creates a better city.

Hjolreidaaetlun Reykjavikur

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