Angry Men Online

In this intriguing lecture titled Inside Hate – Women in the Way of Happiness, you can hear Christian Vorre Mogensen, a specialist at the Center for Digital Youth Care in Copenhagen, discuss how and why boys and young men tend to seek out isolated online communities where they receive positive reinforcement for their negative emotions and dysphoria. The presentation was recorded on the occasion of the conference But I Was Alone – Boys' Self-Image and the System which took place during the school year 2020-2021.

About the project

Connection to the Education Policy: Social skills, Health, Empowerment

Type of material: Educational, Supplementary, Icebreakers, Videos, Web sites

Target audience: Children aged 10-16 and staff

Subjects: Mental and social well-being, Sexual health, prevention, Equality, resilience, strengths, Self-image, pornography, Body image/body positivity