Reykjavík Constituency Electoral Commission

According to the Elections Act No. 112/2021, Alþingi elects five members and an equal number of alternates to the constituency electoral commission in each constituency after the elections. The Reykjavík Constituency Electoral Commission, district electoral commissions, and local electoral commissions in Reykjavík are elected by the City Council.

Before City Council elections are held, the City Council elects three members and an equal number of alternates to the Constituency Electoral Commission, as well as district and local electoral commissions, in accordance with the Elections Act No. 112/2021.

In recent years, there have been 14-15 district electoral commissions and approximately 90 local electoral commissions operating during elections in Reykjavík.

On June 19, 2018, the City Council elected three members and three alternates to the Constituency Electoral Commission.