Digital Growth

The Reykjavík Education Policy is future oriented and focused on using digital technologies to enrich education and provide children with a wide range of opportunities for creativity and expression.

Digital Growth is a support website for the introduction of advanced and creative technologies for the City’s schools and recreation. It has information on learning devices, software and privacy and guidance for staff, students and parents to support the project.

1:1 adoption of learning devices

Digital Growth is an extensive program that runs through the 2021-2023 school years. It is focused on accelerating the adoption of digital technologies through the development of technological infrastructure and services, career development and consulting, the enhancement of digital skills and the targeted, responsible and progressive use of digital technologies in Reykjavik school and recreational activities.

Digital Growth

  • builds on top of important projects and school development over the last few years.
  • contributes to the advancement of learning, employment and teaching practices.
  • connects to the digital transformation in the Green Plan and the Reykjavík Education Policy.
  • focuses on professionalism and collaboration with the child as an active participant.
  • supports equal opportunities and empowerment of students through technology and creation.
  • is an opportunity to make your dreams come true.


One step at a time.



Let's work together.



og forsjáraðilar.

Digital Growth

Department of Education and Youth

You can contact us by email:

Hvers vegna eigið námstæki

Verkefnið Stafræn gróska var umfangsmikið verkefni til hraðari innleiðingar stafrænnar tækni með uppbyggingu tæknilegra innviða og þjónustu, starfsþróun og ráðgjöf, eflingu stafrænnar hæfni og markvissri, ábyrgri og framsækinni notkun tækni í skóla- og frístundastarfi í borginni.


Stafræn gróska byggir ofan á mikilvægt starf og skólaþróun síðustu ára og missera, stuðlar að framþróun náms, starfs- og kennsluhátta með megin áherslu á fagmennsku og samstarf um barnið sem virkan þátttakanda. 1:1 námstæki styður jöfn tækifæri og valdeflingu nemenda í gegnum tækni og sköpun.