Operating permit proposal - Ræktunarsamband Flóa og Skeiða ehf. - ground drilling in Kjalarnes

Reykjavík Public Health has prepared an operating permit proposal for Ræktunarsamband Flóa og Skeiða ehf. at Geldinganes, attachments show detailed location, for a new operation. The business includes drilling operations, staff facilities with restrooms, and an oil tank for internal use. The proposal suggests general operating permit conditions for polluting activities and specific conditions for Ræktunarsamband Flóa og Skeiða ehf. for drilling operations at Geldinganes. The proposed validity period is until December 31, 2024. Documents related to the proposal are accessible on the Reykjavík Public Health website https://reykjavik.is/public-announcement-of-proposed-operating-permits from July 25 to August 22, 2024. During this period, everyone is welcome to submit comments and suggestions regarding the proposal. Comments must be in writing and sent to Reykjavík Public Health at Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík, or via email to heilbrigdiseftirlit@reykjavik.is.