Operating permit proposal - Hekla hf., Laugavegur 174

Reykjavík Public Health has prepared an operating permit proposal for Hekla hf. at Laugavegur 174 F2012323 for permit renewal. The business includes a service station, auto and machinery repair shop, tire shop, and manual car wash and detailing station. The proposal suggests general operating permit conditions for polluting activities, standardized conditions for service stations, and conditions for auto and machinery repair shops. The proposed validity period is until March 01, 2027. Proposal documents are available on the Reykjavík Public Health website,https://reykjavik.is/public-announcement-of-proposed-operating-permits, from August 2 to 30, 2024. During this period, everyone is welcome to submit comments and suggestions regarding the proposal. Comments must be in writing and sent to Reykjavík Public Health at Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík, or via email to heilbrigdiseftirlit@reykjavik.is.