Building plans

All master plans for buildings can be accessed on the City of Reykjavík's Blueprint Archive. At the Reykjavík City Service Center in Borgartún 12-14, blueprints are available in full size.

Gögn í vörslu byggingarfulltrúa

Öll gögn í vörslu embættis byggingarfulltrúa Reykjavíkur, sem hlotið hafa formlega afgreiðslu, eru opinber skjöl og aðgengileg almenningi. Þar á meðal eru teikningar af mannvirkjum innan borgarinnar.

Samkvæmt upplýsingalögum er heimilt að takmarka aðgang almennings að gögnum þegar mikilvægir almannahagsmunir krefjist, enda hafi þau að geyma upplýsingar um öryggi ríkisins eða varnarmál. Almenningi er því ekki veittur aðgangur að teikningum þess eðlis. 

Secondary plans

Until now, secondary plans, such as piping and load bearing capacity plans, have not been available on the website, but work has now begun to scan them in. Some are already published on the website and they will gradually increase over the next month. This work is expected to be completed by mid-2024.

Blueprints that are not accessible on the website can be obtained at the Service Center in Höfðatorg.

Documents in the Building Commissioner's custody

All documents in the custody of the Reykjavík Building Commissioner's office that have undergone formal processing are public records and accessible to the public. This includes blueprints of structures within city limits.

According to information laws, public access to documents can be restricted when important public interests require it, provided they contain information about national security or defense matters. Therefore, public access to drawings of this nature is not granted.

Where can I find building plans for Reykjavík?

To obtain main drawings of buildings, go directly to the City's Blueprint Archive. There, you enter the address and house number, and select the appropriate blueprints.

Please note that an address may contain more than one number, for example in an apartment building or row house, in which case you need to enter the range (e.g., Borgartún 8-16). You can also use a detailed search and enter other and/or more variables, such as land numbers or descriptions.



Blueprint Hours

The Reykjavík Service Center has blueprints available in full size.

  • Blueprints are available from 8:30 am to 3 pm on all business days
  • Reykjavík City Service Center. Borgartun 12–14
  • Inquiries can be sent to the email address or by calling 411 1111

To access secondary plans, such as load bearing capacity and piping blueprints, visit the Reykjavík City Service Center at Borgartún 12–14. Blueprints are available from 8:30 am to 3 pm on all business days.