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As of today, March 24, Reykjavík City Hall will be closed to the public. Admittance is only granted to staff and invited guests. Guest admittance in Höfðatorg and City Hall is limited to necessary errands and meetings.
Reykjavík Service Desk
The Reykjavík Service Desk at Höfðatorg remains open for the time being but customers are encouraged to use e-services if possible.
A list of the City‘s online services is available on Mínar síður (My pages) on and PDF forms for applications which can be filled out.
Online chat on offers direct contact with service agents who can assist with all inquiries.
Staff at the Service Centre in Borgartún 12-14 provides information about the business and services granted by the City of Reykjavík. The service is provided through phoe, online chat, e-mail and directly to visiting customers.
Inquiries through phone are either fully answered by service staff or sent to specialists who work in the divisions of Reykavík City
Inquiries can be sent to Tel: 411 11 11
Hours of service
Open weekdays: 8:20 am – 4:15 pm.