The City of Reykjavík is widening the criteria for its annual cultural grants, by accepting applications from self-employed artists.
This is done to compensate for the many projects that have fallen through this year as a consequence of Covid-19, causing severe loss of income for many artists. Grants will be awarded for projects that aim to stimulate creativity, and encourage open dialogue and more cultural happenings within the city during these extraordinary times.
This is a temporary arrangement. The grant is ISK 30.000.000 in total, and written applications will be accepted from 5 May-15 May 2020. You can apply for two amounts only: 500,000 or 750,000 ISK.
Who can apply, and for what projects?
All artists can apply, but applicants must be individuals or independent groups working together on individual projects. Art institutions or art groups that receive public support are not eligible.
Applications may include:
Development projects within the relevant art fields
Digital recording of i.e concerts, plays or other performing arts
Various performances
The grant is not meant as benefits for projects that have been cancelled due to the situation, but to create a platform for new or additional projects.
Those applicable are self-employed artists and art groups that are currently without projects or contracts.
Please note that events or projects cannot receive funds back in time.