The Reykjavík City Welfare Service has decided to make certain concessions within their facilities, as the situation in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to improve. The Welfare Service was forced to close or make changes to several activities when Iceland declared a state of emergency on 6 March.
Great emphasis has been placed on providing intact services for the most vulnerable groups, i.e. for persons who receive home service and home nursing. These measures have proven their worth, without any occurrence of infections or spread of the corona-virus.
During this first phase of concessions, the welfare service will aim to reopen community centres, day care centres, and work and activity-focused support services. This will be done under strict surveillance and may be subject to change as conditions allow.
The Welfare Service continues to emphasize:
- The importance of hand-washing and sanitation
- Two metre rule of social distancing
- That staff minimizes their contacts with others
Services for the elderly
Eight community centres will now be reopened to the public. These are:
- Aflagrandi
- Árskógar
- Borgir
- Bólstaðarhlíð
- Gerðuberg
- Hæðargarður
- Hvassaleiti 31
- Hraunbær 105
The following community centres will remain closed:
- Sléttuvegur 11
- Dalbraut 18-20
Social Housing for the elderly
The community centres placed within the social housing system for the elderly will now only be open to residents, but remain closed to the public. Outside visits to the residents continue to be restricted, and children under 14 years of age are not allowed to visit relatives until June.
This applies to:
- Seljahlíð
- Furugerði 1
- Norðurbrún 1
- Dalbraut 21-27
- Lönguhlíð 3
- Vitatorg
In order to apply the rule of 2 metre social distancing and the restrictions of gathering of more than 20 people, residents will be asked to sign up for scheduled social events.
Prepared and home-delivered meals
Hot meals will not be served at the community centres for the time being, but this is subject to change as the situation improves.
Home delivered food is still available. People can apply for this service by phone 411 9450 or by e-mail Applications must be received before 2 pm, for food-delivery the following day.
Hair dressing and pedicure saloons
Hair dressing and pedicure saloons have reopened. Customers will be divided into two groups; residents who live within the residential compound, and those who live outside. Service providers will take care of organizing the two groups, and make sure they do not mix.
Taxi services
Utmost caution and sanitation measures will continue in the taxi service for the elderly.
Services for disabled people
Short term admissions and work and activity-focused support services
Services have been cut in providing short term admissions for disabled children and young people, and work and activity focused support services for disabled individuals. These activities will be resumed according to conditions and space within the facilities and based on individual needs. In order to comply with rules on sanitation and social distancing, people will continue to be divided into smaller groups.
Travel service for disabled people
Utmost caution and sanitation measures will continue in the taxi service for disabled individuals.
People are asked to refrain from contact with disabled or elderly individuals if they are:
- Under quarantine.
- Placed in isolation, or are waiting for Covid-19 test results.
- Under isolation, and less than 14 days have passed since recovery.
- Suffering from any symptoms (such as cold, cough, fever, headache, bone aches, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhoea etc.).
Service centres
The opening hours of municipal service centres are from 10:00-15:00. This may be subject to change in coming weeks. Phone calls are received from 8:30-16:00. People are reminded to use e-services as much as possible, i.e. for financial assistance and travel services for the elderly and disabled.
Emergency shelters for homeless people
As of 4 May, emergency shelters for homeless people with complicated needs, both Konukot and Grandagarður, will be open from 17:00 pm until 10:00 am. The emergency shelter in Lindargata will have longer opening hours.