Kjarvalsstofa in París, Committee

Kjarvalsstofa is a studio apartment/workshop intended for Icelandic artists to reside in. According to an agreement between Reykjavík City, the Ministry of Education and the Central Bank of Iceland dated August 26, 1986, a three-person committee, appointed for three-year terms, manages the Kjarvalsstofa in Paris. The Committee oversees, among other things, the allocation of the studio to artists.

Kjarvalsstofa is a studio apartment/workshop intended for Icelandic artists to reside in. According to the agreement between Reykjavík City, the Ministry of Education, and the Central Bank of Iceland dated August 26, 1986, a three-member board, appointed for three-year terms, manages the Kjarvalsstofa in Paris. The Committee oversees, among other things, the allocation of the studio to artists.

During the Culture, Sports & Leisure Council meeting on February 14, 2022, it was approved to appoint Ellen Jacquelin Calmon and Jórunn Pála Jónasdóttir to the Board, along with Íris Gísladóttir, who is nominated by the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. The Board's term of appointment is three years or until the end of 2024.