Q&A about financial aid

Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about land leases.

List of questions

Hvað skal gera ef einn af þinglýstum eigendum kemst ekki að skrifa undir samninginn, t.d. er erlendis?

Landowners may mandate others to sign on their behalf. The commission must be provided on paper. (attachments)

Hvenær á að sækja um endurnýjun á lóðarleigusamningi?

A land lease is not renewed until the expiry of the earlier land lease, or at least 2 months ago.

Ég sótti um endurnýjun á lóðarleigusamningi fyrir löngu síðan en honum hefur enn ekki verið þinglýst. Hvað skal gera?

The landowner's signatures on the contract are probably still missing. For information on the status of a contract, contact Customer Service.

Hverjir eiga að skrifa undir lóðarleigusamninginn?

All parliamentary property owners on the relevant land must sign the land lease. If the purchase agreement has been ratified, both the buyer and the seller will have to sign the agreement.

Hvað kostar að endurnýja lóðarleigusamning?

Renewing a land lease does not cost anything. However, the landowner must pay for ratification by the county, which is governed by the bureau's fee schedule from time to time.