How are building permit applications reviewed?

The Building Commissioner's office staff reviews all applications received. They ensure that the proposed construction complies with laws and regulations concerning structures and buildings, planning conditions, and other relevant matters.

How long does it take to review an application?

Typically, it takes five working days to review an application. Applications are addressed at the Building Commissioner's Permit Review Meetings on Tuesdays. If all applications cannot be reviewed due to a high volume, some cases may be postponed.

The meeting minutes are then presented at the Planning and Transportation Council meeting, which is usually held every Wednesday. The City Council confirms the minutes at their next meeting, typically held every Thursday. At a minimum, two days elapse between the Building Commissioner's approval and the City Council's confirmation of the application.

Once a decision has been made, applicants will be notified of the outcome via the provided email addresses.

Please note that an approved application does not grant a valid building permit. Construction may not begin until a formal permit has been issued.

What can cause delays in application processing?

A common reason for longer processing times for plan approval and building permit issuance is that the submitted documents are not sufficient. The main reasons for this include:

  • Necessary documents are missing from the application (e.g., co-owner's consent, structural designer's opinion).
  • Blueprints are incomplete, insufficient, or do not comply with building regulations.
  • Blueprints are not in accordance with approved planning.
  • Fees are not paid.

Corrected applications

If a building permit application is submitted for construction that does not comply with laws, regulations, planning, and other relevant matters, the applicant will be contacted. They will then have the opportunity to rectify the plans and documents as needed.

Denied applications

If an application is denied on the grounds that the proposed construction does not comply with laws, regulations, planning, and other relevant matters, the applicant can appeal the decision to the Environmental and Natural Resources Appeals Committee.

Leiðréttar umsóknir

Ef byggingarleyfisumsókn er skilað inn fyrir framkvæmdum sem uppfylla ekki ákvæði laga, reglugerðar, skipulags og annars sem málið varðar er haft samband við umsækjanda. Þá gefst kostur á að lagfæra umsóknina og gögnin ef við á.

Umsókn synjað

Ef umsókn er synjað á þeim forsendum að framkvæmdirnar uppfylli ekki ákvæða laga, reglugerðar, skipulags og annars sem málið varðar getur umsækjandi kært niðurstöðuna til úrskurðarnefndar umhverfis- og auðlindarmála.

How can we help?

Do you need further assistance or didn't find what you were looking for?

  • Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the Building Commissioner's email:
  • The City's Service Center can help with general inquiries by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at

Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the Building Commissioner's email: