Enrolment for primary schools

School and recreation

The official enrolment period for Reykjavik‘s primary schools takes place February 11th – 19th 2016 on the website www.rafraen.reykjavik.is starting at 8:00. 
This also applies when a child needs to transfer to a different school. However, this does not apply when the whole 6th or 7th class upgrades to another school.
If parents want to enrol their children to a school in a different neighbourhood they can apply for it but they may have to wait for approval since children living in the school area have priority.
Parents who cannot apply online, please contact your school of choice for assistance. Make sure you have the following information:
• Student’s name and personal identification number
• Domicile or residence (if different from domicile)
• Previous school
• Parents’ names and personal identification numbers
• Phone numbers (home, work, mobile)
• Parent’s e-mail addresses
Further information regarding schools and school areas can be found on Reykjavik’s Department of School and Leisure’s website and on the Parent web where there is a translation option. You can also call 411 1111.