Pest control

The role of Reykjavík City Pest Control is to minimize pests through extermination, information, and preventive measures.

Unwanted mice, rats, insects, birds, and even minks and foxes sometimes appear on city land and in homes and workplaces. The City provides services in this area to a certain extent. Many private companies also operate in this field. Many cases require quick action. These unwelcome guests can pose a danger or health risk in some cases, often leaving people scared, helpless, and unsure where to turn.

Who can contact us?

All residents can contact Reykjavík Animal Services for help with rats or mice. Staff will remove the pests and take steps to prevent future visits. Animals often appear in yards and outside homes. Residents can contact City animal services to prevent animals from settling in.

Reykjavík Animal Services handles most animal-related issues on city land such as public parks, streets, walking paths, Reykjavík Pond, and the shoreline.

Outer city areas receive careful attention. This is mainly controlling birds, minks, and foxes due to their impact on various bird species' nesting grounds. Animal Services also serves City institutions like preschools, primary schools, social services, swimming pools, City Hall, and sports facilities.

Issues outside City services, such as silverfish in homes, are referred to the private sector.

Dead animals

Animals inevitably die in busy city life, due to other animals, humans, vehicles, structures, and even diseases. Their carcasses can distress residents. Birds of various sizes and cats often meet unfortunate ends, but occasionally rarer creatures like minks and even seals need attention. Animal Services staff remove them as quickly as possible.

Outside Animal Services hours, Reykjavík Metropolitan Police handle such calls.

Animal Services works closely with Reykjavík City Social Services, Reykjavík Public Health Authority, and Reykjavík Metropolitan Police.

Contact us

Reykjavík Animal Services provides pest control services to residents on weekdays from 8am to 8pm. Contact Animal Services directly at 822-7820 or individual staff members.