Contract Objectives

At its meeting on 31 January 2019, the CoR Council approved the updated CoR contractual objectives for the construction of new infrastructure areas which replaced the contractual objectives approved by the Council on 27 November 2014.

CoR's contractual objectives in structural areas 

On the basis of the Reykjavik Master Plan 2010-2030, there will be numerous construction areas for new apartments and professional housing in. These areas are many in mixed ownership, but more often than not they are land owned by the CoR, while land and/or building rights are largely vested in private individuals, who are holders of land deals with different land tenure rights. The CoR stresses the importance of defining its contractual objectives in relation to the structure ahead, not least regarding the mixed ownership areas. The contractual objectives are formulated in order to ensure transparency and to safeguard interregional coherence. The definition of the contractual objectives will lead to a more targeted contractual type, increase the likelihood of achieving a result and the benefits of construction will be in line with the City's intentions. With reference to the above, the CoR sets the following contractual objectives for the structural areas in the CoR: That there is a good urban planning with the priorities outlined in the Reykjavik Master Plan 2010 to 2030.
I. Operating costs i. Emphasis on diversity in the size and type of dwellings.
II. Conclusions ii. Focused on quality and good environment. iii. Efforts are being made to preserve the local spirit and flair of this building. That the city's land and infrastructure be used to the best of its ability. That the start-up costs of the infrastructure for a construction site be paid for with funds available from the construction as an infrastructure payment or payment for increased construction rights for residential and professional buildings. These payments may vary by location and region. That a certain amount of money be spent on artistic creation in public spaces in the logistics area. To be built in accordance with the CoR's Housing Strategy 2020 and to contribute to the development of the rental market and the social mix of the population. About 20% of apartments in the neighborhood should be aimed at rentals, student residences, residences, rentals of Community Residences hf., and/or apartments for the elderly. The company farms hf. has a purchase option for up to 5% of apartments for social rental housing at a managed, defined price, which is within the limits set by article 12 of the regulations on state and municipal housing subsidies, housing self-catering agencies and public housing units no. 555–2016 In consultation with the landowner, determine which apartments on the property are subject to the lease and purchase option clause of Social Cottages hf., and the agreement shall be ratified on the relevant property. The structural zone divisional proposals shall set out the objectives of social mixing and rents. These contractual objectives apply to the construction on land on which additional building quantities with an area of more than 800 square metres or 15 or more new dwellings will be allowed. These contractual objectives then apply in special cases when the definition of the use of premises on land is amended or where another weak amendment having regard to the situation and the environment is authorised on land. These contractual objectives will take effect on 1 March 2019.

Samningsmarkmið um uppbyggingu á lóðum

Samningsmarkmið þessi voru samþykkt á fundi borgarstjórnar 1. febrúar 2022.  Þau gilda um uppbyggingu á lóðum þar sem heimiluð verður breytt nýting á lóð/um og/eða viðbótarbyggingarmagn - sjá nánar í skjali.