Apartments for the elderly and nursing rooms

The CoR is working on increasing and improving living resources for seniors. A plan to build around 450 apartments for seniors is progressing well. The plan is a partnership with Hrafnista, Grund, Soltun, the Seniors Housing Association and the Seniors Rental Housing Association/Seniors Association.

Construction of 300 nursing rooms

The CoR has pursued the construction of nursing homes and the increase in the number of nursing facilities in the city. Both are subject to contributions and State approval. In 2020, an agreement and contract for the construction of two nursing homes with up to 300 nursing spaces, scheduled for 2022-2025, is planned. Construction of 246 apartments for seniors has been completed, including the construction of 60 apartments on Plain Road 27 this summer. There are then 120 apartments in the implementation phase, and an approved division plan is also available for the construction of 162 apartments for seniors. The plains, a new nursing home with 99 spaces, was commissioned at Plain Road 25 on February 28, 2020. It is operated by Hrafnist, a subsidiary of the Maritime Day Council. On the policy level, the number of serviced apartments for senior citizens in Seljahlíð is to be increased by 20 apartments. In autumn 2020, 405 apartments and spaces have been completed, 60 more are in the implementation phase and 152 in the approved division plan or in preparation. Total of 617 apartments and spaces.

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