Demolition of housing and asbestos

For demolition of premises and asbestos, a temporary work permit must be applied for by the National Health Service.

Licensing process

The application for demolition from the Contractor must be submitted to the Health Department. When the application for a work permit is received, the health department undertakes an evaluation of the premises/works and places the draft work permit in advertisement.

Attention is drawn to the fact that there is four weeks of advertising time on work permits for demolition. At the end of the four-week advertising period, the health inspectorate may grant a temporary work permit.

If expedited procedures are necessary and urgent, you can apply for and possibly get a temporary exemption from the requested work permit from the Department of Environmental Protection and Resources (

  • The construction supervisor must approve the intention to grant a building permit before the health department can grant a work permit for the demolition of manpower.
  • A signed application will be sent to the Department of Health, Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík or a copy of the application will be sent to

Housing Demolition

Asbestos can be found in many houses in Reykjavik, in various forms, from glue for floor tiles to roof covering.

  • Only professionals with asbestos removal rights can apply for a permit to remove or treat asbestos.
  • For demolition, removal or treatment of asbestos, a temporary work permit must be applied for from the National Health Service and a permit from the National Labour Inspectorate.


Um niðurrif á húsnæði og asbesti gilda starfsskilyrði fyrir skráningarskylda starfsemi

Permit to Work Conditions

Demolition of premises and asbestos are governed by the following work permit conditions: