Education and mentoring

Department of Health



Leiðbeiningar varðandi ómannaðar líkamsræktarstöðvar

Leiðbeiningar fyrir grill á íþróttaviðburðum


Reglur um öryggi í íþróttahúsum

Information about swimming spots

Here you will find a manual and information on all the important things related to the functioning of swimming sites, such as safety devices and marking.


School and Recreation

Handbók fyrir grunnskólamötuneyti

Gæðahandbók skólamötuneyta


This brochure outlines Environment Canada's guidance on indoor air, humidity and mold, how best to maintain and improve indoor air integrity, and how to respond if the indoor air becomes unhealthy.


Asbestos threads are very hard-wearing and can withstand very high temperatures. Asbestos was used in recent years in the past as a fire protection agent, thermal insulation and various cones to industry. When working with asbestos, needle or wire shaped asbestos dust is produced. This dust is dangerous to health and its use is prohibited in the European Economic Area.

Beauty salon and related activities

Hreinsun, sótthreinsun og dauðhreinsun áhalda