Eco-industrial Park Álfsnes

An eco-industrial park at Álfsnes is under consideration.

Industrial area in development


A multidisciplinary team assessed that Álfsnes is suitable for developing a green industrial area. The area has good infrastructure for such operations, including port facilities and road connections. The GAJA gas and composting station, a key component in circular processes, is also located in the area.

The Eco-industrial Park at Álfsnes project is part of the Green Deal. View information page for Eco-industrial Park at Álfsnes


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Feasibility study: Eco-industrial park at Álfsnes

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A consulting team conducted a feasibility study for an eco-industrial park at Álfsnes. View the working group's report presented to the City Executive Council in February 2024..

Teikning af pallbíl með fullan pall af pappír á ferð í kringum jörðina.

Where can I get more information?

Reykjavík City's Economic & Urban Development Team is working on developing industrial areas. Send us an email at

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