Trausti Breiðfjörð Magnússon
About Trausti
Born in Reykjavík in 1996 and raised in Grafarvogur. With roots from the countryside, both to the north in Hrútafjörður and north of Strandir. Deeply interested in society, human behavior, and how to ensure social justice.
Work Experience
2022 Coalition for Social TV (I. “Samstöðin samfélagssjónvarp”), Media
Making TV programs with guests every week, and sometimes twice a week. Talked to people with knowledge of community issues.
2018-2022 City of Reykjavík, Department of Welfare
Apartment complex in the care of persons with mental and developmental disabilities.
2016-2017 Sunnufold Preschool, instructor
Worked as an instructor in a preschool and assisted teachers
2013-2016 Eldsmiðjan Pizzeria, service jobs
Restaurant services at Eldsmiðjan Pizzeria on Suðurlandsbraut.
2019- University of Iceland
Almost completed a BS degree in psychology and sociology, but of course I took a break from studying because of my election to City Council.
2012-2016 Sund Junior College and Reykjavík Women's Gymnasium
Matriculation examination in Social Sciences.
2002-2012 Foldaskóli
Primary School Diploma
Other experience
2019 Environment Agency of Iceland
Completed a course granting a park ranger license
2017 Traveling
Traveled the world for six months in 2017. Went to Asia, South America, and North America. This was similar to completing years of schooling. Increased knowledge of various cultures. How our behavior is shaped by society and culture and is not carved in stone. Countless lessons and life experiences beyond compare. The most important education I have ever had.
2016 Leiktækniskólinn
Course in creative acting in the spring of 2016. Michael Chekhov technique.