Andrea Helgadóttir – financial interests

Financial interests must be recorded in accordance with points (1) to (5) below. Note that the amounts or value of the items listed in points (1) to (5) shall not be recorded. Information recorded under point (2) may be deleted after four years have passed since the original registration.

Financial interests

1. Paid employment and income-generating activities

(a) Paid board membership of public or private companies

Company name Status

(b) Paid employment or assignment (other than paid employment as a City Councilor)

Job title Name of employer or client

(c) Income-generating activities for the benefit of the City Councilor or company owned or co-owned by said official parallel to the public duties of the official

Type of activity
Irregular contract jobs in the arts

2. Financial support, gifts, overseas travel, and forgiveness of outstanding debts

(a) Financial contributions or other financial support from domestic and foreign legal entities and natural persons, including support in the form of office facilities or similar services, which fall outside the support provided by the City of Reykjavík or the party of the City Councilor, and the value of support exceeds 50,000 ISK per year. Financial support, likely to be granted due to sitting on City Council, in the form of a discount from the market price and other types of incentives with a value of more than 50,000 ISK must also be registered

Nature of support Support giver

(b) A gift from domestic and foreign legal entities and natural persons when its value is estimated to be over 50,000 ISK and the gift is given due to the position of public servant at the City of Reykjavík

Company name Status Any kind of gift When provided

(c) Travel and visits in Iceland and abroad which may relate to a seat on City Council where the expenditure is not wholly borne by the City of Reykjavík Member, the political organization of the City Councilor or directly by the City Councilor

Who covered the expenses of the trip Period of travel Destinations

(d) Forgiveness of outstanding debts and favorable changes in the terms of agreements with creditors

Name of the creditor Nature of contract

3. Assets

(a) Real property that is one-third or more owned by a City Councilor or a company in which the official holds a quarter share or more, other than housing for own use by the official and immediate family as well as building lot rights for such housing

Name of landed property Property location

(b) The name of an active company or savings bank in which a City Councilor holds a stake where the share exceeds any of the following criteria:

  1. The market value of the share is more than ISK 1 million as of December 31 each year
  2. The share amounts to 1% or more in a company, savings bank, or private non-profit institution whose assets at year-end are 230 million ISK or more or operating income is 460 million ISK or more
  3. The share represents 25% or more of the equity or initial capital of a company, savings fund, or private non-profit institution
Name of company or savings bank

(c) Active private non-profit institution, cf. Article 3 of Act No 33/1999 respecting Foundations Engaging in Business Operations, in which the elected representative has a share which exceeds any of the criteria listed in point (b)

Name of private non-profit institution

The assessment of whether to register the financial interests of city councilors in a company in which the official is an owner or co-owner shall be based on the definition of a beneficial owner in accordance with Act No 82/2019 on the Registration of Beneficial Owners.

4. Liabilities

Debt, sureties, and other guarantees relating to the management of real estate or the business of companies, savings banks, or private non-profit institutions in accordance with point (3). Amounts owed or debts or guarantees incurred for other purposes, such as for the purchase of a residential property for own use or a vehicle for own use, student loans or other measures unrelated to professional activity, shall not be recorded.

Type of debt Debt

5. Agreement with former or future employer

(a) An agreement with a former employer of a financial nature, including vacation arrangements, unpaid leave, continued remuneration or benefits, pension rights, and the like while sitting on City Council

Type of agreement Name of employer
Unpaid leave Preschool in Reykjavík

(b) An agreement with a future employer for employment, regardless of the fact that the employment first takes effect after the City Councilor exits City Council

Type of agreement Name of employer

6. Confidential work outside of City Council

Information on board memberships and other fiduciary duties for interest groups, public institutions, municipalities, and associations other than political parties shall be recorded, regardless of whether these duties are remunerated

Name of society/interest group/institution/municipality Nature of confidentiality
Efling - union member of the union representative council