Weather-tightness inspection

A weather-tightness inspection is a confirmation that a building has reached the stage of being weathertight, which means a fully erected building that has been closed off from weather and wind.


Byggingarstjóri sem eigandi hefur ráðið fyrir útgáfu byggingarleyfis skal hafa yfirumsjón með framkvæmdum og innra eftirlit með þeim. Áfangaúttektir eru hluti af innra eftirliti og skal byggingarstjóri sjá til að viðeigandi staðfest hönnunargögn verkþátta séu á verkstað áður en vinna við þá hefst. Þegar áfangaúttektarskyldur verkþáttur iðnmeistara er tilbúinn til úttektar skal byggingarstjóri taka hann út samkvæmt gæðakerfi sínu og skoðunarlistum og stoðriti áfangaúttekta frá Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun til staðfestingar á skoðun og skrá niðurstöður á byggingarleyfi í Mannvirkjaskrá Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnunar.  Séu athugasemdir gerðar við skoðun skal byggingarstjóri sjá til þess að bætt verði úr og úttekt endurtekin.

Skráning áfangaúttekta byggingarstjóra er í gegnum vefviðmót í Mannvirkjaskrá.

Byggingarfulltrúi fer í stöðuskoðanir sem úrtaksskoðanir til að kanna um framvindu byggingarleyfis samkvæmt samþykkt og samkvæmt skoðunarlista Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnunar. Kannað er með skoðun um skráningu ábyrgðaraðila á byggingarleyfi,  framkvæmd áfangaúttekta byggingarstjóra og um stöðu uppdrátta samkvæmt verkstöðu.

Before applying

Construction managers and owners of structures can request a roofed building inspection. The inspection is conducted by the Building Commissioner.

The roofed building stage is further defined in the standard IST-51 and is, according to the standard, construction stage 4. The building's construction year is based on the registration of the roofed building stage in the property register, so it's essential to ensure it is correctly registered, for example, due to preservation provisions.

Application process

If the building fulfills all the requirements listed in Chapter 4 of IST-51, the Building Commissioner will issue a certificate of roofed building inspection and hand it over to the construction manager or owner. Additionally, the Building Commissioner registers construction stage 4 in the national property register. The inspection results are recorded by the Building Commissioner in their case management system.

Certificates and registration

If the building fulfills all the requirements listed in Chapter 4 of IST-51, the Building Commissioner will issue a certificate of roofed building inspection and hand it over to the construction manager or owner. Additionally, the Building Commissioner registers construction stage 4 in the national property register. The inspection results are recorded by the Building Commissioner in their case management system.

How can we help?

Do you need further assistance or didn't find what you were looking for?

  • Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the Building Commissioner's email:
  • The City's Service Center can help with general inquiries by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at

Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the Building Commissioner's email: