Safety inspection

A safety inspection is a confirmation that a structure may be taken into use. If the building meets all safety requirements, the Building Commissioner will issue a certificate, and then hand it over to the construction manager or owner.

Before applying

Before a structure is taken into use, an inspection of its safety and health aspects must be carried out. It is prohibited to move into a structure or take it into use unless it meets the safety and health requirements set by the laws on man-made structures and other laws and regulations that apply.

If the structure meets the requirements for safety and health, the Building Commissioner will issue a certificate for the inspection. When registering a safety inspection in the property register, a fire valuation of the structure is carried out.

Construction managers and owners of structures can request a safety inspection.

Application process

To request a safety inspection, you need to fill out the form Request for Safety or Final Inspection, which also serves as a checklist. The completed form should be submitted to the Service Center at Borgartún 12-14, 105 Reykjavík, along with the appropriate declaration forms. An inspection fee must be paid before the inspection is carried out, and a notification of the amount will be sent to the payer's online bank. If the Building Commissioner's office does not make any comments on the received inspection request and checklist, the inspection can proceed.

The Building Commissioner will determine the inspection time in consultation with the applicant. Those attending the inspection, in addition to the Building Commissioner and fire department representative, should be the construction manager and the master tradesmen and designers who wish to attend or have been invited by the construction manager or Building Commissioner. The Building Commissioner shall also present the original or a copy of the approved blueprints to be used during the inspection.

Certificate of safety inspection

If the building meets the safety requirements, the Building Commissioner will issue a certificate and hand it over to the construction manager or owner. The Building Commissioner will record the inspection results in their case management system.


Ferli umsóknar

Ef athugasemdir eru ekki gerðar við móttekna beiðni getur úttekt farið fram og úttektartími er ákveðinn í samráði við umsækjanda. Viðstaddir úttekt auk byggingarfulltrúa og fulltrúa slökkviliðs ef við á, skal vera byggingarstjóri og þeir iðnmeistarar og hönnuðir sem þess óska eða hafa verið boðaðir.

Fyrir úttekt skulu viðeigandi yfirlýsingar vera fyrirliggjandi um frágengna þætti eftir því sem við á samkvæmt byggingarleyfi og byggingarreglugerð. 

How can we help?

Do you need further assistance or didn't find what you were looking for?

  • Inquiries and suggestions can be sent to the Building Commissioner's email:
  • The City's Service Center can help with general inquiries by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at