Child-related payments

Residents who receive financial aid are also entitled to support in paying for the cost of daycare, preschool, after-school programs, and meals during the time their children receive those services. The children must have the same legal residence as the parent.

Am I entitled to payments for children?

If you have children in your care, and they have the same legal residence as you, you are entitled to payments for children. In the month you receive financial assistance, we pay for the cost of your children's attendance at preschool (up to 8 hours), with a day parent, and at an after-school program. We also pay for school meals.

How do I apply?

If the preschool or after-school program is owned by Reykjavík City, the amounts are automatically paid. However, make sure you have received all the discounts you are entitled to. Other than that, you do not need to do anything.

If the children are with a day parent or in a private preschool, you must submit a payment receipt. You will receive further information about this once you have been approved for financial aid. Payment is made in accordance with Reykjavík City's fee schedule, but note that the payment for staying with a day parent is never higher than the cost of 8 hours of preschool attendance.

I want to know more

If you need further information, please contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.