Tjörnin - a new recreational center

School and recreation


Tjörnin  recreational center was established in August 2016  (former Kampur and Frostaskjól)  as one of five recreational centres in Reykjavík. 

Tjörnin is located in Frostaskjól 2. The center offers a diverse and comprehensive set of after school activities for children and youth of Central Reykjavík, Hlíðar and Vesturbær districts. It operates 7 after school centres and 5 social clubs for youngsters. 2,000 children and adolescents use the services of Tjörnin and employees are 230.

Parents are encouraged to monitor events and activities on its Facebook site. 

All activities in the new recreational center aims to promote social capital with focus on children and young  people. Special effort is made to support children with disabilities and social disadvantages. Emphasis is placed on active participation, democracy and human rights.

In the coming months the staff will concentrate on building a solid service with everything it implies; networking, new website, new logo and a new culture. The staff expects good cooperation with parents and goodwill of all involved in care and education of children and youth in this part of the city.