Reykjavík Parking Service's prepaid cards discontinued

Reykjavík Parking Service Transportation

Arctic Images/Ragnar Th.
Picture of a corner building at Laugavegur and Skólavörðustígur. In the foreground are empty streets and parking signs.

The Reykjavík Parking Service's prepaid cards will no longer be available and instead, other digital payment solutions will be recommended.

P-cards, as they are known, have been used by a small portion of Reykjavík Parking Service's customers but they have not kept up with digital trends and, for example, they cannot be used in parking garages. It will no longer be possible to refill these cards.

What should be used instead?

  • You can pay with payment apps on your phone like Parka, EasyPark, or SíminnPay. In some cases, business solutions are offered, but it's best to contact the relevant service company to find out what suits you.