Half-term holiday in compulsory schools February 25th and 26th

School and recreation Arts & Culture

An action-packed programme of events and activities on offer for the whole family at leisure centres and cultural centres.  Free entry for all adults accompanied by children during the half-term holidays at city museums and galleries: The Reykjavík Art Museum, Árbær Open Air Museum, The Settlement Exhibition on Aðalstræti and The Maritime Museum.
Ársel - Árbær & Grafarholt Centres
Wednesday,  24th February
20-22:00     Concert at the Árbæjarlaug swimming pool. Free entry.

Thursday, 25th February
13 - 16:00   Tie-dye workshop, mug painting and boiled-sweet making at Holt.
13 - 15:00   Family game night in the shed by Sæmundarskóli school.
13 - 15:00   Family game night at Töfraseli, Rofabæ 30.

Friday, 26th February
13 - 15:00    Carnival at Ársel with tie-dye workshops, mug painting, boiled-sweet making, mask-making fun and more.
Frostaskjól Centre – Vesturbær (West Village)
Wednesday, 24th February – Frostaskjól celebrates its 30 anniversary!
15 – 17:00      Open house, light refreshments and a special anniversary programme.
17 – 19:00      Anniversary karaoke at the Tíu12 (Ten12 youth programme for 5-7th graders)
19.30 – 22:00 Human-rights debate at the Frosti youth centre. Anniversary cake on offer.
Thursday, 25th February
14 – 15:30      Family bingo session with waffles and coffee, courtesy of Frostaskjól, Selið and Frostheima.
14 – 15:30      Waffles, coffee and mask making at the Undraland after school centre.
14 – 15:30      Game time, with fuzz ball and pancakes at the Skýjaborg after school centre.
15 – 17:00      Fun at Vesturbæjarlaug swimming pool. Free entry!
Gufunesbær Youth Club - Grafarvogur

Thursday, 25th February
10 - 13:00     Climb the tower!
13 - 13:45     Bingo in the Hlaðan assembly room by Gufunesbær.
13 - 15:00     Beading classes and various workshops in the Hlaðan assembly room.
12 - 20:00     Ski slopes in Grafarvogur, open (if weather conditions permits).

Friday, 26th February
10 - 13:00      Climb the tower!
11 - 13:00      Campfire cooking, charcoal making, art activities and a treasure hunt.
13 - 15:00      Frolicking fun at the Grafarvogslaug swimming pool. Free entry!
12 - 20:00      Hit the the ski slopes in Grafarvogur (if weather conditions permits).

Kampur youth centres: Miðborg and Hlíðar

Thursday, 25th February
Workshops for families with kids of all ages.
11 - 13:00       Multicultural kitchen. Staff cook up tasty dishes from different cultures: tempting and delicious.
14 - 16:00       Stencilling and tie-dye workshops.
Kringlumýri – Laugardalur, Háaleiti and Bústaðir
Friday, 26th February
        Kringlumýri’s charitable fundraiser in support of UNICEF.
13 - 15:00        Fundraising fun in Dalheimur.
13 - 15:00        Cakes and art for sale at Réttarholtsskóla school.
13:30 - 14:30   Fun and entertainment with music and theatre in the hátíðarsal hall.
13:30 - 15:00   Fundraising fun at Öskja, Safamýri 5 with music, dance and light refreshments.
Miðberg & Breiðholt Leisure Centres
Thursday, 25th February
13 - 14:00  Treasure hunt in Miðberg.
14 - 16:00   Various workshops in Miðberg, with hot chocolate and waffles.
14 - 16:00   Frolicking fun and music at Breiðholt swimming pool. Free entry!
12 - 20:00   Ski slopes open!

Friday, 26th February
13-14:00  Mission impossible at Hólmasel.
14-16:00  Various workshops in Hólmasel, with hot chocolate and waffles.

12-20:00  Ski slopes open!

Culture for the family
Borgarbókasafn Library -  Culture House
Creative workshops and good company for families during the half-term holidays, with reading, games, play and costume activities.
Sólheimar Culture House
Thursday, 25th February
Bingo for the whole family with great prizes on offer!

Saturday, 27th February 13-16:00             

World Children’s Day celebrations with lots of workshops and a fun-packed Viking-age themed programme.
Gerðuberg Culture House
Viking weapon workshop. Ornaments and jewellery. Viking costume making. Take a snapshot, capture the moment and relive the memories. Music and storytelling: Music from the band Hrafnagaldur. Viking-style hair makeovers on offer. Sleipnir the eight-legged horse of Odin pays a visit!
Kringlan Culture House
Vikings costumes, sword making and photographs. Sleipnir the eight-legged horse of Odin pays a visit!

Sólheimar Culture House
Get a Viking-style hair makeover. Rune writing.

Spöngin Culture House
Spooky Viking adventure. Meet Völva the Seeress in the prophecy cave. Viking friendships.

Find out more about the programme at www.borgarbokasafn.is

Reykjavík City Museum
Árbær Open Air Museum. Open from 13-16.
• The exhibitions Komdu að leika and Neyzlan are open on both days of the half-term holidays, between 13:00 & 15:00. Take part in some treasure-hunting fun too.
The Settlement Exhibition
• Educational and entertaining rune-themed treasure hunt for the whole family.
• Colour and create! A variety of fun family activities with drawing, rune writing and more.
The Maritime Museum
• Hunt for curious artefacts using a pirate treasure map.
• Visit the museum and afterwards attend a fun family drawing workshop.
The Reykjavík Museum of Photography
• Photo riddle game in association with the Friðgeir Helgason exhibition. Clues are found in the details. Those who solve the riddle between 13.00 and 15.00 are treated to a complimentary Polaroid snapshot of themselves.
Reykjavík City Museum
Thursday, 25th February 11:00 
Family-guided tour of the Tilurð Errós 1955-1964 exhibition.

Thursday, 25th February & Friday, 26th February 13:00   
Biophilia educational workshop for 10-12-year-old kids, and families. Call 411- 6400 to register or send an email to fraedsludeild@reykjavik.is.

Friday, 26th February 13:00         
Family-guided tour (in Polish) on the Monika Grzymala exhibition Hugboð.
Ásmundarsafn Sculpture Museum
Friday, 26th February 13:00 
Family-friendly guided tour of the planetarium in association with the Geimþrá exhibition.
Friday, 26th February and Saturday 27th February 13-16:00    A short course in association with the Jóhannes S. Kjarval exhibition Hugur & heimur instructed by Arnar Ásgeirsson. To register call 411-6400 or send an email to sendinfraedsludeild@reykjavik.is