An open house on the housing campaign in Grafarvogur will be held at Reykjavík City Library in Spöngin on Thursday, September 26, from 5pm to 7pm. All are welcome to learn about the project. Ideas will be on display, and City staff will be available to chat with residents. The exhibition runs until Monday, October 7.
Mayor Einar Þorsteinsson launched a task force on housing in early 2024. One focus is exploring development possibilities on small and medium-sized lots in suburbs. Grafarvogur was examined first, with changes aimed at giving more people the opportunity to live in this established neighborhood.
Initial proposals for residential lots in Grafarvogur are now available. The project aims for new development to fit well with the existing urban landscape and increase access to green spaces in the area. Preliminary proposals for residential lots in Grafarvogur are now available. The project aims to integrate new development with the existing landscape and increase access to green areas in the neighborhood.

The project description for the municipal plan changes is now available for review in the Planning Agency portal. Formal comments, suggestions, and opinions can be submitted until October 15.