How do we build a quality of life city?

Presentation meeting on housing development in Reykjavík on November 4, 2022

The presentation will discuss where new dwellings are being constructed and future building areas, as well as the quality of the construction and the city's priorities with its urban design strategy.

Time and place

Tjarnarsalur, Reykjavík City Hall and via stream on Friday, November 4, from 9am11am.

We will start with a morning refreshment at 8:30am.

Stream without subtitles.

Stream with subtitles.

Broadcast from the meeting

View stream with Icelandic speech recognition - Tiro development project

View stream without text


Moderator: Björg Magnúsdóttir Media Personality

Overview of presentation meetings

Are you looking for more presentations on housing issues? We thought so and collected them on one page.