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Guðrún Ósk Jakobsdóttir
Seniors Association of Reykjavík and surrounding areas
Main Menu
Main Menu
Home page
Children & Youth
All about schools, recreation and other services for children and teenagers.
Construction & Planning
Are you building or renovating? Want to know more about planning?
Welfare & Support
A range of services and support for all kinds of people of all ages.
Environment & Transportation
Waste collection, transportation and a healthy environment for people and animals.
Sports, Leisure, Culture & Arts
Museums, pools, events, skiing, and fun!
Participatory Democracy
Diverse ways for residents and the administration to make decisions.
City Administration
The City is headed by the Mayor and elected representatives on the City Council.
Everything to do with departments, offices, councils, committees, boards, and policies.
Meeting Minutes
Minutes of meetings of councils, committees, and boards.
Employment and Human Resources
Reykjavik City is a great place to work!
All about the City's finances.
The Green Deal
Reykjavík City's comprehensive strategy outlining the City's vision until 2030
A diverse and dynamic housing market.
Tenders & Procurement
The Procurement Office oversees all procurement.
Reykjavik Public Health Authority
Rannsóknir og borgarþróun
Samstarf um rannsóknir og nýsköpun í þróun borgarinnar.
Municipal Treasury Grants
Grants to NGOs, companies, and individuals.
My Pages
Other Reykjavik Websites
Reykjavik City Library
Reykjavik City Museum
Visit Reykjavik
Recreational Activities
The Data Buffet (IS)
Reykjavik Art Museum