Borgarstjóri sendir samúðarkveðju til borgarstjóra í London


Dagur B. Eggertsson borgarstjóri sendi í gær kveðju til Sadiq Khan, borgarstjóra í London. Þar vottar hann honum samúð vegna voðaverkanna sem áttu sér stað í borginni þann 22. mars sl.

Yfirlýsingin fer hér á eftir: 

Dear Mayor Khan,

On behalf of the people of Reykjavík, I offer my sincere condolences on the tragic loss of life in the horrific attack on London last Wednesday.

We must stand together for free and just, democratic and tolerant communities, where everyone can flourish on their own terms – and against senseless acts of hatred and violence, as we witnessed outside the Houses of Parliament this week.

Our hearts go out to the victims of Wednesday´s attack, their families and friends, and the entire community of London.

Dagur B. Eggertsson

Mayor of Reykjavík